
The Bodhisattva

A white bone projected from the dark water. It looked quite queer and horrible. Behind the white bone, a huge dark shadow sent forth infinite power and might.

The water was separated as the white bone moved ahead, and then two bones appeared below it. These two bones had no joints. They were very smooth and sharp, looking like two spears.

The thick and long white bone that had appeared first wasn't a whip at all, but an extremely long nose. Flesh, blood and thick skin on it were melted and only a ghastful bone left.

Only an elephant's nose could be that long, and the two sharp white bones were the tusks. Ning Que looked at the huge figure in the dark river and slowly grasped the cutlass' handle.

A huge elephant was at the bottom of the river. It was hundreds of meters tall, as huge as a mountain. In comparison, the sunken boat was quite tiny. The elephant's flesh had eroded, leaving only scary and white bone behind.