
Cultivating Buddhism (Part I)

After the snow, the mountain was still the same mountain, which looked no different from any other mountain in the world. The exposed black cliff stones, which either looked rough or smooth, were also nothing special, revealing no gloss or breath of life. They were just silent cliff stones.

Standing before the mountain with Sangsang on his back, Ning Que looked at the mountain for a long time until the gold hanging over the ponds was blown into countless pieces by the night wind. The mountain was still just a normal mountain.

Did Buddha wake up? Is the Buddha alive or dead? Ning Que was nervous and frustrated waiting for the final answer.

"We've won?"


"How come?"

Feeling disappointed and angry, Ning Que sat on the ground and kept kicking his legs like a child who felt wronged, making the accumulated snow in front of him fly around.

Sangsang answered calmly, "Because Buddha is Buddha, not a cat."