
The Way To Negotiate With The World (II)

Looking at thousands of huge ships on the lake and the navy which were unmatched after the navy of Great Tang was destroyed, Chu Yuxian turned extremely pale. Hearing the sound, Chenqi walked out of the cabin and soon looked serious.

He did not expect that the South Jin could regain its stability within such a short period of time after Liu Yiqing killed its young emperor and the Sword Garret relocated. The Great Tang had well prepared for the coming war, and it seemed that the Divine Halls of West-Hill was unwilling to lag behind.

A resonant bugle call resounded through the sky above the navy of South Jin. The fleet gradually dispersed, and the lake water hit the solid sides of the ships, making a loud noise. A huge ship slowly drove to Chu Youxian and Chenqi but still kept a distance of hundreds of zhang, stirring up countless snow-like waves and alarming hundreds of waterfowls.