
The Talk He Wants With Her (I) 

The god was dead.

So would Haotian.

When the former was said to the other world, it was like a thunder in the dark sky and awoke people from savagery. The latter said in this world should have borne the same effect. But disappointingly it was only said to four people when uttered for the first time. What less disappointing was, the person inside the stone cottage heard it.

The story that Chu Yuxian told was Ning Que's story. Even he had no idea of what he was talking about, but simply parroted it word by word as Ning Que had told it. He took it far more seriously than his previous studies at the Academy.

Upon hearing the story, the middle-aged priest was impressed. By the last two sentences, he even showed some emotions. But it was quiet from the beginning to the end inside the stone cottage.