
The Childish, The Bright, And The Ordinary (II) 

Ye Hongyu trusted the Abbey Dean more than the Academy, especially the Academy that was represented by Ning Que. She was so sure that her judgment was reliable. Killing her and her brother would do no good to Taoism, whether it be for the near future of in the long run. Therefore she had the guts to withdraw and give up the other choices. She placed herself right in the middle of the danger and did nothing, so that the West-Hill could deal with it calmly.

It was barely two hours after their conversation, and the moon was dazzling in the night sky. Yet the promise she thought she had received was gone. The Hierarch, followed by Zhao Nanhai and the middle-aged priest, had come to the Divine Hall of Judgment to kill her. They might not be aware of the others' arrival, but gathered coincidentally for the same purpose: to kill her.