
Blood Phoenix Shrilling On Peach Mountain(II)

Xiong Chumo stood in front of the Divine Flame and clutched the flaming phoenix's throat. Shrills resounded in the fiery Divine Hall. The whistle became more and more shrilling, furious, and painful.

The flaming phoenix was struggling in fury.

Fiery white light flowed down its body onto the ground and set an ocean of fire. The chilling killing intent of the sword hidden inside its body was exploding.

Xiong Chumo suddenly got pale but still looked indifferent. His short figure seemed extremely awe-inspiring under the powerful Divine Flame.

Many people including Ye Hongyu could never understand why Xiong Chumo became powerful. Being the Hierarch of the Divine Halls would not necessarily empower him. Then where did his power come from? How could this wretched dwarf have surpassed the Five States? Was that simply because he was a running dog for Haotian?