
Countless Pairs Of Hands

It was deep down the Prajna Peak, ten miles away from the peak, the plateau, the pit as well as the ground.

The sounds from the peak would never reach here. The murmur of the underground rivers would never reach here. It was deadly silent like in a tomb.

The Chief Monk stared at the two iron arrows in his chest and felt a sharp pain. He realized that he had not experienced any pain for so many years. It was fresh and vivid, and even brought a sense of mocking onto his aging face.

He had practiced Buddhism for many years and acquired the indestructible Vajra body. He used to think that no one would ever endanger him again since the Headmaster was gone. However, a few years ago as well as today, he was defeated twice by the two disciples of the Academy.

"Do you think you can trap me like this?"