
Something I Had To Do

The national master lay in the blood with complicated feelings of disappointment, despair, as well as some relief. Since he could no longer rewrite the fate of the tribes, he would be freed from the responsibilities.

"Perhaps Tengri had indeed abandoned us. If the previous Chanyu was still alive, how could he make such a mistake? The Golden Tribe is defeated. But are you really going to kill us all?" 

He stared at Yu Lian and said in exhaustion, "Ning Que hated us because of Wei. But how about you? What happened between the tribes and the Wild People was already a thousand years ago."

Yu Lian said nothing.

The national master panted and continued, "Don't forget that you Wild People enslaved us for many years. I don't think we owe you anything. And you're not justified in doing so."

"We want the grassland."

"We can give it back."