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Hengmu Liren frowned. He recalled something and could no longer feel calm and cheerful. Instead, his face got distorted and he seemed extremely enraged, especially when he lowered his head and looked down.

His divine gown was very loose so that he could easily see his own chest when looking down.

Although he was the son of Haotian, he was after all a mortal in the human world. Therefore he had two nipples. But right now there seemed to be a third one, which was a black chess piece.

The black chess piece was deeply implanted in his flesh which made him feel sick.

"I'll kill you all." Hengmu Liren growled, "I will kill you all for sure!" His young and sharp voice resounded above the lake. The cavalrymen from the Divine Halls and a dozen of red-robed divine priests fell onto their knees in fear and did not dare to say a word.