
The Jolly Dashing Wind Through Thousand Miles

Hengmu Liren's punch carried the massive power of Haotian. It pounded on Ning Que yet failed to kill him. He could not understand why. Ning Que was covered in blood and gashes were all over his body. Even his heart was apparently wounded. But he could still stand upright. Why? 

The big black horse ran to Ning Que, lowered its head by his right hand and placed his arm over its neck to help him stand still. Ning Que stroked on its mane and assured that he was fine.

"I forgot the sequence of Lian Sheng's words. Whether it was to practice Buddhism before Devil's Doctrine or the other way round, they meant the same. Only the unbreakable vajra could stay away from the dust." Ning Que wiped off the blood stain on his Academy suit, looked at Hengmu Liren and said, "You seem to know me well. But you have no idea about what I have been cultivating on for the longest time."