
Eyes Red

The Eldest Brother stared at the Abbey Dean and said calmly, "Go."

That was for Ning Que. Looking at the back of his Eldest Brother, Ning Que wanted to say something but he knew it was not the time for sensations.

He pushed hard on the horse's belly. The big black horse growled and darted out like a black bolt. It leaped over the rocky cliffs and charged toward the Helan City not far away. The indigo lion-dog formed an indigo line while following them.

Only the two were left among the collapsed cliffs.

The Abbey Dean looked at the Eldest Brother and said, "That was not wise."

The Eldest Brother held the cudgel horizontally in his right hand, and asked politely and prudently, "Why not?"

The Abbey Dean said, "The Academy joining hand with Haotian to challenge Taoism, it is a very unwise choice."

The Eldest Brother said, "Even Taoism betrayed Haotian… What else could be even more unexpected now?"