
All Your Fault

Among the cliffs, no trees were swinging and no birds were singing. The two of them stood facing each other, holding their cudgel and sword. The Abbey Dean with a sword was not necessarily more powerful than the one without the sword. But the sword did have some significance.

His cotton-padded gown was soaked in blood. The Eldest Brother knew that he could not longer hold for another seven days. But as he said previously, Ning Que and Sangsang might need less than seven days to get back to Chang'an. What he had to do was to try his best.

The Abbey Dean stared at his sword and said calmly, "The Headmaster taught you to love. I thought you would be different with Jun Mo. But you are after all a student of the Academy."

The Eldest Brother looked at him calmly. The sword stabbed into his chest was already thrown on the ground behind him. He said, "A student from the Academy awaits your challenge."