Hard to Seek an External Elixir

Soon after entering the Wen Mansion, Junior Leopard began to sweat on his forehead. It was because that this bunch of teenagers came to him and called him Uncle one by one under the command of Wen Huayang.

At this time, people got married early. Wen Huayang got married at 15 and had a son at 16. His son also had a son at 16. Now he was almost 60, and he had great-grandsons.

Then Junior Leopard absurdly became many people's Uncle.

Fortunately, he did not need to give meeting gifts to these children like Wen Huayang. Otherwise, maybe he did not have any underwear left!

After the greetings and introduction, it was a feast.

Even though Junior Leopard was young, Xu Yong did not prohibit him from drinking. The Wen Family's younger generation was very interested in this young Uncle whose status was not small. Hence, after drinking with everybody here for several cups, Junior Leopard gloriously got drunk. In the end he was carried back to a guest room.