Enemy's Tracks Appearing

In a place where it was quiet and not many people were appearing, there was a small building.

The interior of the building was elegant and had a refreshing style.

There was a room within the building, sitting within was a young man wearing a gallant garment along with a grey-clothed old man.

The magnificently dressed man had a charismatic disposition, his whole body was exuding an air of inherent nobility. As for that grey-clothed old man, he had a long beard and a withered face. There was a rotting smell that permeated his whole body, showing a striking contrast with the young man.

"Is everything prepared?" The magnificently dressed man asked.

"Yes, Master, everything is prepared already. However, I heard that the Wu's had already taken note of this matter. A batch of disciples have received the mission and gone to Zhonghe prefecture to investigate!"