Three Bandits... The Mask… Li Family in Pingzhou


The chilling light pierced the air. The other personal guards finally reacted, but it was a little too late. The arrow in the darkness almost shot Li Yuan in the face.

Clang! The sparks flew. Junior Leopard hammered the flying arrow when it was three inches from Li Yuan's face. He felt a tremor in his hand and it was rebounding off the arrow. The arrow was hammered down, but his hand was bounced back. Two more arrows targeted them without a sound.

The two arrows were flying faster than the speed of sound, one following the other. Junior Leopard's hand had been shaken, making it impossible for him to hammer the arrows again.

However, he had bought Li Yuan some time. Almost at the moment when the arrow was hammered down, Li Yuan shouted and rolled over to the ground from his horse without jumping.