Today, I Come Here to Kill

Li Sanbao was quite annoyed lately, extremely annoyed.

His practice of Cross Training Diamond Body had runned into bottlenecks. No matter how many methods he had tried, this year, he didn't make any progress with his Diamond Body. As for his cultivation, he had reached Level Four 10 years ago. No matter how he tried, he just could not break into Level Five. This all bothered him a lot.

He believed, however, that soon he would not worry about this at all. In recent years, while leading a band of brothers, he obtained a lot from running amuck and committing robberies in the Luo River; including many medicinal herbs. Some of these herbs were able to be used for processing Bone-Forging Soup. Besides that, he scraped some herbs together for processing Tendon-Changing Soup, among, which the quantity of some medicinal herbs was too small.