The Attribution of River Heart Island

On that day, Junior Leopard led the navy to destroy the water bandits at the Broken Dragon Beach and brought back the spoils of war. Apart from the treasures accumulated by the water bandits, there were still over 20 boats. These boats were a little smaller than the boats of the navy; however their quality was much better. Their design was also extremely compatible. When they ran on the Luo River, they were two to three times faster than the navy's warships. Just based on these warships, it was able to fill the gap in the navy's lack of warships. The navy's power had gone up another level. Still, of course what was most eye-catching was Junior Leopard's new ride, the "Black Pearl".

Riding on the Black Pearl, the navy brought the water bandits as captives and the head of the bandit chief Li Sanbao with them. They went back full of spoils. The moment they entered the dock, they aroused the attention of the whole of Jiang City.