Rainy Road in Shu, Golden Goose Cup

Immortal Palace!

This was the first time this man mentioning the name of their organization, a very weird name.

"Immortal Palace?!"

"Hey, lad, don't be so surprised! Our organization is called Immortal Palace. What do you think of it? Not a bad name, right?"

"Its indeed very interesting!" Junior Leopard nodded, "How far is the foothold?"

"At most 30 miles. Do you still have any energy left to go on?"

Junior Leopard nodded, but never said anything more. That was because they only had 30 miles left to go. There was no need to complain, or else he would become the laughingstock. On the remaining journey, this man was not like before, where he used his body's movement to dump Junior Leopard far behind. Instead, he was keeping up with Junior Leopard's speed, keeping a certain distant of about 5 feet. Although Junior Leopard was not using his full body movement, he was still maintained a fast speed and finished the journey within an hour.