Devil Needles Showing Might, Gang Qi Being Ferocious

The insect cloud above the inn began to fade. Meanwhile, the tiny insect carcasses in the room had stacked up to Junior Leopard's knees. Only the place where Junior Leopard was standing was not affected due to the green light's cover.

"What a weird bead!" Junior Leopard, who had fully recovered his mind, looked at the scene in his room and marveled privately. It never occurred to him that when he got the bead, it could cause such a stir.

Moreover, it was so fantastic as well.

The green light around him did not lighten anymore, but the amount of toxins the bead absorbed was far from its limit.

Junior Leopard used his divine thoughts to sense that though these toxins now almost filled the whole bead, there was always a tiny bit of unfilled space. Moreover, that tiny bit of unfilled space was absorbed by this Emerald Pearl, which Junior Leopard saw carefully.

The more toxins that the Emerald Pearl absorbed, the greener it became.