Assassination Through Poison

The moon glowed faintly in the cool night.

The lamps were all lit inside the Garrison Mansion of Jiang City, turning the surroundings as bright as daytime.

Eminent guests occupied every corner of the Garrison's banquet hall, making a show of happiness and prosperity. The guests toasted and goaded each other with wine, laughing cheerfully as they engaged in drinking games. This was a banquet at its most intense.

Junior Leopard gently shook the golden cup in his hand. The aureate liquor inside the cup flickered with a golden glow, giving off a mellow scent. When it reached his nose, every facet of that scent seemed to penetrate deeply into his heart and lungs. "What on earth is this Zheng Xi thinking about?"

The discussion last night bore no fruit. Besides Zhu Ba harping on how he wanted to teach Zheng Xi a lesson, the rest of them, including himself, had no good ideas to suggest.