The First Appearance of the Ancient Treasure, the Clear Glass Jade Bottle

A rout was like a landslide!

  On the broad prairie, the defeated army was like ants. Tens of thousands of Northern Yuan's Metal Horse Carriages were like headless flies flying about and running for their lives. There were 500,000 soldiers of the Jin army behind them. Among them, there were 200,000 cavalrymen. Their horses were fast as lightning, running like tidal waves.

  Northern Yuan was defeated, completely defeated!

  Under Ma Tianchang's sudden assault, the 100,000 Metal Horse Carriages had suffered severe losses. The 500,000 Jin reinforcements that followed behind had completely crushed their will to resist. Originally, perhaps they still had a bit of fighting spirit. However, this fighting spirit was completely extinguished following the appearance of Living Buddha Ba Siba.