The Second Big Hammer

"Teacher, you're back!"

  Seeing Xu Yong, Junior Leopard could not help calling out in surprise.

  He hadn't seen Xu Yong for a long time. Although it should be safe for Xu Yong and the Elders from the other smelting families to go to the Li family in Pingzhou, Junior Leopard was still worried. Now seeing that Xu Yong had come back, his worry naturally disappeared and it turned to joy.

  "Hehe, I'm back!" Xu Yong felt comforted by the sight of Junior Leopard's glad appearance. Even though he had been in the Li family in Pingzhou these days, he had heard of what his disciple had done in Jianghu. As long as he thought of this guy's achievements at such a young age, as his teacher, he felt happy. He only had one disciple, and the Xu family had no outstanding characters in the young generation. It would be okay while he was still alive. However, when he passed away in the future, the Xu family might have to be taken care of by his proud disciple!