The Wuyang County Governor, a 300 km Radius Fief

"Zhou Bao, the loyal and devoted general of Qing Province and highly skilled in feats, took credit for killing the enemy to protect grain. Now, I appoint you as the Wuyang County Governor. You will enjoy 3,000 hectolitres of food per year and a fief with a 300 km radius at Blackstone Valley. The official position is hereditary. By the emperor!"

  The shrill voice of the eunuch resounded in Junior Leopard's ears. He suddenly shivered and then bowed his head lower.

  He did not lift his head until the shrill voice had ended. Then he loudly said, "Thanks to the emperor, Long Live Our Emperor!"

  "Please stand up, County Governor Zhou!"

  Hearing the appellation and the eunuch's intonation, Junior Leopard got goose bumps.

  He had been in the capital city for 13 days. The news that the imperial court was going to enfeoff officials had spread all over the world.

  The news excited the whole world.

  To enfeoff?