The most beautiful women in Jianghu Twenty Years Ago; Ruins Appears

Fate was a thing that mankind could not see and touch. To some extent, it was related to luck.

When he was in the Immortal Palace, Junior Leopard once heard of relevant issues from his teacher of ancient Chinese characters.

A man had fate. A family and a school had fate. So it was with a nation.

Fate, in a way, meant fortune or destiny. It sounded abstruse and indeed was somewhat mysterious and beyond comprehension for Junior Leopard in his current phase.

He only knew that a treasure capable of guarding fate could increase the fortune or destiny of a person, an organization, and even a country.

Different nations, organizations, and persons had various fates. Thus treasures used to guard fate should be different. It must be compatible with the actual strength of the person, organization, or country. Otherwise, it would drive away all the fate rather than increase or maintain it.