Chaotian Palace of the East Sea

"Here it is. This island is the entrance to the Small Thunder Temple Ancient Ruins!"

After a two-day flight, Junior Leopard, Golden Rooster and Luo Haiyun finally rested on an isolated island located remotely in the East Sea.

Standing on the shore, Luo Haiyun took out a piece of black cloth that was made of unknown materials. No one knew how long it had existed, but it was releasing a stale smell.

"My family were wiped out because of this. Wang Family in Cenzhou, you were my, Luo Haiyun's, sworn enemy!" Luo Haiyun roared under his breathe.

Junior Leopard kept his head up and fixed his eyes on the skyline far away. They had found that the phantom of the Ancient Ruins hanging in the sky didn't come any closer than what they sensed when they were in Junior Leopard's northwest fief. Even after flying for two whole days and crossing thousands of miles, it hadn't gotten any closer.