Golden-Scaled Cudgel and 72 Style Earthly Fiends Cudgel Techniques

"Boom, boom…" loud sounds spread from within the formation, Junior Leopard, who held twin hammers in his hands was mercilessly hitting on the slender handprint of the Meteorite Metal. The meteorite was quite tough and its weakest part was perhaps the palm print. After the print was hit several times, the meteorite, as expected, cracked. There was just a small opening at first, but then the whole meteorite split open. The process was so fast and simple that it was totally beyond Junior Leopard's expectation.

"Goodness, what the hell is this? It looks like heavy. Ah, is that the kindling of Nanming Ignis?" Junior Leopard asked surprisedly after seeing the cracked Meteorite Metal.

"Don't let this Ignis Essence Qi run away! After being incubated in the Meteorite Metal for so many years, they are even more precious than the kindling of Nanming Ignis!" Green Spirit shouted.