Being Captured, Waiting for the Highest Bid

The formation of the space, Junior Leopard's appearing in front of the space passageway, and Ji Yeyue's response all happened at almost the same time. Although Ji Yeyue and her fellows took precautions against Junior Leopard just as Happy Monk had done back then, they, just like Happy Monk, did not know that Junior Leopard had the ability to hollow travel.

Once Junior Leopard appeared, Ji Yeyue's pupils converged, and just as she was about to operate the dark red stripe in her hand, Junior Leopard disappeared once again.

This was different from the last time that he appeared. He turned into a jet of green sword light, and directly threw himself into the space passageway when Ji Yeyue's stripe had just been lifted. As for Yu Qingyong and Wu Lingxiao behind her, they did not have the time to react and shouted with amazement until Junior Leopard had disappeared in that passageway.