Thorn Wheel Fiery Eye, Region

"Including the Golden Book of Fate?"

All of a sudden, Zhou Bao was overwhelmed, as if something occurred to him. With a rush of ecstasy on his face, he said, "You mean, the Azure Secret Area has its own Golden Book of Fate?"

"Not the Golden Book of Fate. It's the Origin of the Great Ways!" Green Spirit smiled. "Every world has its essence, whether it's complete or not. For instance, what the Divine Wind Palace wants from the Taiyuan Heaven is its essence. Their plan is to use the Golden Book of Fate to fight against the Primeval Beast. Likewise, in the core of the Azure Secret Area, there lives an associated Primeval Beast which is different from the one in the Taiyuan Heaven. It has its own Origin of the Great Ways and the Golden Book of Fate. But for now, it has yet to take shape, which gives the Divine Wind Palace, and you, of course, a great chance."

"Tell me more!" said Zhou Bao, who has become totally interested thanks to Green Spirit.