The Power of the Natal Sword

The red light of Zhou Bao's Fiery Eyes had just touched the Natal Sword of the Yin and Yang Heavenly Sword Qi!

Soon, they melted into one. After that, an enormous killing intent poured out of the Yin and Yang Heavenly Sword and went into his External Elixir of the Fiery Eyes, with the Natal Sword scattering apart at the same time.


Zhou Bao felt as if his forehead was punched by a heavy hammer, and his head was almost about to break into pieces. Nearly at the same time, his Fiery Eyes opened spontaneously and began to function. A dense spurt of the Pure Yang water poured out from the space in the Fiery Eyes and ran into his External Elixir.

At once, the Pure Yang Water was absorbed by the Sword Qi, and the Natal Sword integrated again into his External Elixir of the Fiery Eyes. This time, Zhou Bao felt that his Natal Sword was more restraining and formidable.