Cold Wave Beast

"Hu Bugui, you contemptuous man. Face me if you dare, I want to fight squarely with you!" Having been used once by Hu Bugui, Yu Nantian looked extremely furious as he shouted.

"A square fight, hehe, how interesting. Your tone is exactly the same as your great grandfather's. Let's see if you can conquer this Cold Wave Beast first!" Hu Bugui's voice faded. The Cold Wave Beast's gigantic body once again smashed onto the body of the Void Traveler.

"Phew!" The Void Traveller did not sway this time. The talisman on the spaceboat began to glimmer and transform into countless rays of golden streamers that flowed over the body of the spaceboat. The Cold Wave Beast knocked itself onto the spaceboat, only to be forcefully thrown to the side. It let out a low whimper. It was evident that the Cold Wave Beast had been injured seriously and had no more energy to attack the Void Traveller.