The Secret of the Seven-deity Regions & Moon Deer of Extended Net's Request (b)

Similar gossips and speculations were flying around. Everyone knew that Zhou Bao had acquired a Yin and Yang Heavenly Sword. However, they could not figure out how his sword could be so powerful.

At long last, they attributed all these to his good fortune. Perhaps he was just lucky enough to find two kinds of powerful Evil Qi to refine his sword and thus the sword had such powerful qualities.

The Yin and Yang Heavenly Sword was one of the most powerful special techniques in the world that was well known to everyone. There were two reasons for this: one was that the two kinds of Yin and Yang-property Evil Qi he chose were of the best quality; the second reason was that after the infusion of these two kinds of Evil Qi, a streak of congenital killing intent was produced. Once these elements were combined, an amazing effect would take place, just like what Zhou Bao had shown while he was slaying those Demonic Immortals.