Kill All Spoils of War

"What? Zhou Bao has returned and he's alive? Didn't you say that Zhou Bao stirred up a lot of trouble in the Sea Area and was punished by the Powerful Divines there?"

At the fringes of the Wuyang Region where the Wang family's territory lay, Wang Hua's face was ash white. He slammed the table top and viciously eyed the four experts standing in front of him as if he was about to swallow them whole. "Now what? All of you, tell me, now what? That guy is crazy, just crazy! Now that he is back and knows that I have been spying on his land, he will definitely attack me!"

"Be calm. Just look at yourself! Are you behaving properly? You are a lord now and you have a status in court. You're just a rank lower than that Zhou Bao. What's there to be scared of?"