Killing the Chicken to Warn the Monkey

Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle!

The sound was strange and clear. It was like a dropping a big ladle of water into a scalding hot deep fryer.

As the sound continued, something happened which stunned the four men. Zhou Bao started to wave the black drape. Wherever the black drape flittered, the solid space started to fall apart piece by piece.

The black drape melted the edge of the damaged space, like wax under a high heat, turning it into a monstrous green-yellow color like pus extruding from an ulcer. The men watched, eyes filling with panic.

But the thing that truly sent chills through them was that the edge of the space had no way of healing itself. Under the black drape, this perfect, stable space would be damaged forever.

"What on earth is that thing? How could it have such a terrible force? Where did he get hold of this strange object?!" One of the Elders shouted. When he looked back into the mirror, Bao Zhou's figure had already disappeared.