Refine the Scepter Again

In the Infinite Star Sea Area.

Starlight could be seen all over the sky.

In an isolated galaxy, a giant planet revolved around the sun, following a course that had not changed at all since ancient times. Around this planet was a ring of meteorites which formed a circular meteorite belt. Numerous meteorites, large and small, were flying rapidly in the void, forming a sea of meteorites. There was a black meteorite with a diameter of about 10,000 feet in the sea. Mixed together in the meteorite piles, it looked quite inconspicuous. Like all other meteorites, it was bathed in starlight.

All of a sudden, the ordinary looking meteorite which had been flying rapidly, exploded. It was blasted from the inside by a huge force. With a loud noise, debris flew in all directions and half of the meteorite was blown apart in an instant.