The Sudden Evolution of the Fist Intent

Infinite Star Sea, Soul-silencing Star.

The age-old planet, which was wrapped by the endless poison gas, seemed to had lost its previous peace.

The mystery poor man, who had taken Tai Yuan Sage from Zhou Bao, stood in the hollow around the Soul-silencing Star carrying Tai Yuan Sage like a dead dog.

''Old Poison, I've something to talk with you!"

"Old Poison! Don't hide. I know you can hear me!"

"Old Poison. Fu*king hide from me? If you don't come out, I will destroy this Soul-silencing Star! I'll see how you can continue your practice!"

Several angry screams later, a sound came from the Soul-silencing Star with a green-black pneuma rolling up like a mat. An old Taoist in a green-black priest frock appeared before the man. He cast a strange look at Tai Yuan Sage, "Wan Tiancheng, what're you doing?"