
The person who stopped Zhou Bao from walking looked very fierce. He was a brute with muscles all over his body; even the muscles on his face grew wild. He carried a big black axe in his hand, and it turned out to be a wizard weapon of Pure Yang Celestial Device Level. Looking at his cultivation, this person, who looked like Li Kui, was unexpectedly a real master. He was an Individual Immortal at the Mysterious Realm and was about to achieve Genuine Immortal Karma Rank by undergoing the Thunder Tribulation. All this implied that you couldn't judge a person by appearance, just as you couldn't measure the sea with a pint pot.

Standing in front of the city gate, he stared at Zhou Bao intensely and asked, "Who are you? What are you doing in Yunzhong City?"

"What?! Can't I enter Yunzhong City casually?"