The Sharp Saber Dharma King

Zhou Bao punched the bronze mirror and was then sent flying to the void dozens of miles away. However, he jumped toward that mirror again with no intention of dodging it after standing firmly on the ground.

The Extreme Realm of Force and Vacuum-crushing Skill required such an indomitable spirit and aggressive momentum. The power to smash everything in front of oneself with one's own strength was required as well.


As the second punch struck the mirror, Zhou Bao did not step back much. Nevertheless, Hei Chou's face turned pale and he continually stepped back along with his mirror. There was also a look of surprise in his eyes.

How could this be? The Divine Wizard Mirror in his hand was a Middle-grade Taihao Fairy Weapon. It had many wonderful uses and was not used as a shield. However, in the face of the current situation, he simply had no other choice.