Fairy Pool Hunter

King Wuyang Palace of the Jin.

For the past few days, the air in the Inner Yard of the palace had been quite solemn. Ever since Zhou Bao banished Feng Xuan from the Wuyang Region, the yard had been shrouded in a solemn atmosphere.

Jiang Xiao and Zhu Ba were both grim-faced.

This time they had really lost face. In the Cloud Crane Tavern, a scholar had cursed Zhou Bao undauntedly, but the urban management outside had not reacted at all. If Zhou Bao hadn't been there, it would not have been such a big deal. But unfortunately for them, Zhou Bao had been sitting right there in the tavern and heard every word. He had also noticed the inaction of urban management. Although Zhou Bao had not said anything afterwards, his silence was precisely the reason the two were perturbed, very perturbed.