Consultation (I)

Everything that happened afterwards was as expected.

Faced with numerous threats from the Alien Realm, various forces in the Heaven Realm World began to unite. Of course, the so-called various forces referred to the forces in the Seven-deity Regions. The Sea Area had always been under the rule of the Sea Emperor, the Vast Sea Emperor. Each of his Prime Ministers took charge of a locality. Most importantly, though the Sea Emperor was nowhere to be seen, he could secretly command the Prime Ministers to carry out his instructions without any hindrance, which made Zhou Bao gnash his teeth.

However, there was nothing Zhou Bao could do about it. The Sea Emperor was a Great Ancient Emperor with the strength of an Earthly Immortal. Confined in a secret space, he could easily remain unfound.

"It is the main trend. I'm certainly not going to be a fool and stand in the way of history!"