Comprehending the Fist Intent

This was the Immortal-killing Sword Qi! The Innate Deity had been killed by this immortal-killing Sword Qi!

"This guy seemed to have enjoyed a high status among all the Innate Deities. But in the end he was killed by the Immortal-killing Sword Qi.

What was this supposed to mean?

Zhou Bao's eyes sparkled. Given that Ghost Child was the device spirit of the red gourd which had been fully refined by Zhou Bao, Zhou Bao seldom concealed the truth from him. Considering that he still needed help from this knowledgeable Ghost Child, when Zhou Bao's Second Primordial Spirit evolved into the device spirit of the Furnace of Immortality, Zhou Bao revealed all that he had discovered to Ghost Child. Therefore, Ghost Child was able to see the spacetime inside the head of this Innate Deity as well as the storming Sword Qi in it.