A Successful Rescue!

The Celestial Mystery Emperor's plan was grand and meticulous. Although each step was closely linked to the next one, the links were not designed as simply as one might assume. Even if one of the links broke, his plan would not be hindered. Otherwise, he would not be called the Celestial Mystery Emperor. His plan was constituted by several complementary but independent steps. If one went wrong, another one would replace it and keep the whole chain intact. This was his style. This was the means and power he would use.

The rumors Zhou Bao spread had ruined one of the steps, but soon another one substituted it. Or one could say there was no substitution at all because the situation pushed him to quickly proceed to the next step.

"If I sabotage another step in his plan by making the Black Pearl absorb all the essence of the two exploded macro worlds, will I trigger the Celestial Mystery Emperor's third step?"