The Way of Reincarnation

"Reincarnation! This is reincarnation!"

The Big Azure World was evolving. As the Fate Creator of the Big Azure World, Zhou Bao felt the world was changing according to the Way of Heaven. Well, what on earth was reincarnation?

What was reincarnation?

Whether there was really a thing such as reincarnation in this world had always been a suspending question for Zhou Bao. He had imagined the concept. He had also doubted it. But today, this concept became unprecedentedly clear to him.

When the Emperor of the Netherworld handed him the Reincarnation Scroll, Zhou Bao had not understood this mysterious scroll at all. However, after watching the evolution of the Big Azure World, Zhou Bao finally had the chance to see what it was.

"It turns out that reincarnation is such a simple concept. It's the same as I imagined. But it's more perfect, more comprehensive!" Zhou Bao exclaimed, as he gained more insight into reincarnation.