The Willpower of the Celestial Immortal & the Five-colored Divine Light

Was there really such a good thing in this world?

Zhou Bao had just wanted to search for the Heaven and Earth Secret Technique, but after arriving at one of the most inconspicuous remains in the Immortal Realm, the Rock Cliff Sect, he encountered the king of Heavenly Fairy Weapons—the legendary Treasure-snatching Rock!

It was exposed above the ruins of the Rock Cliff Sect. Many mighty people had stepped onto these ruins over the years, so why had they failed to discover it?

Could it be possible that it was waiting for him, its destined owner, to fetch it?

That was impossible!

Not by a long shot!

Although he had a good opinion of himself, he did not think that everything in this world belonged to him. This treasure did have a mysterious origin. There were indeed some people with great luck in the Immortal Realm during the previous tribulations, so how could they have missed such an obvious treasure?