The Fourth Layer & the Truth about His Previous Life

In the fourth layer of the Treasure-snatching Rock.

Like the first two layers, there was an endless void. But one thing was different; there were no fairy weapons floating everywhere.

Planets were the theme of the scenery here.

Everything here was exactly the same as the universe in Zhou Bao's memory.

A huge fireball, which turned out to be a star after observation, was blazing in the distance. After tearing open the third layer, Zhou Bao appeared on a vast planet, where dead silence reigned everywhere. No air or gravity existed here, and what he saw were countless strangely shaped rocks revolving around a vast planet far away.

Just when he was lost in thought, a colorful ray flashed past in the distance. He narrowed his eyes and directly executed the Infinite Realms Teleportation in this space. He again split the space open and arrived at another unknown void.