The Celestial Immortal Remains

"Shut your mouth!" Anger flashed across his elegant face and a blue ray pulsed from his fingertip, going straight through the Treasure-snatching Rock's device spirit.

"There's no point in killing me!"

Under the blue divine light, the Treasure-snatching Rock's device spirit grew dim and then disappeared. "The object is in this layer of space. If you want it, go and find it yourself!"

The voice grew weaker and disappeared into space along with his body.

"Moon Temple, you don't need to fight anymore, it's no use. This guy has no conscience. He said before that he'll block your road to illumination. No-one can stop him, even the Dao Ancestor himself couldn't come to your aid!"

After the Treasure-snatching Rock disappeared, a weak divine thought entered Emperor of Moon Temple's spirit.

"How do you know all this? Where did you come from?"