The Assassins Arrive

Duanmu Xingling calmed her anger and said glumly, "The quarterly assessment is two months away. It has two rounds. Round one is the Freshmen's Tournament held by the four external houses. Round two is the Ranking Evaluation inside Western Campus. Are you confident?"

"Confident about what?" Zhang Ruochen asked.

Duanmu Xingling said, "As the No.1 freshman on the Western Campus, it's your responsibility to fight for the honor of Western Campus. If you can lead our freshmen to beat the other three campuses at the tournament, you will for sure get lots of merits as a reward."

Huang Yanchen's cold voice came from outside the door, "Although you're the most talented freshman on the Western Campus, your practical ability is not the best. Not to mention that there are countless geniuses in the other three campuses. It's not easy for you to become No.1 of all four campuses."