Breaking through the Dawn State

A man in black with a cloak walked out from the back of the rockery and laughed in a hoarse voice, "It's sinister of you, Lord of the Western Yard. Did you deliberately draw us out with Zhang Ruochen?"

The Lord of the Western Yard replied, "It's a pity that I didn't draw all of you out. But you are one of the leaders, if you are caught, it won't be difficult to catch the others."

Since Elder Situ had been recognized, he decided not to hide his identity. He took off the cloak to show his skinny, old face. Then, he stared at the Lord of the Western Yard with sharp rays of light in his deep eyes.

"Lord, I haven't seen you fight with others for over a decade. I just wonder about the level of your present cultivation." Elder Situ took out two crimson spears from his robe. Then he operated inscriptions to combine them, forming a 266-centimeter-long Blood Dripping Spear.

The spear was as crimson as blood.