The Battle in The Heaven Realm

The Defender Array had been activated. It was comprised of several bright rays that were embedded in the ground. Each ray had caused a huge crater with a diameter of more than 32 feet around.

The area surrounding the craters had been torn apart, forming large messy cracks.

Anyone that had been hit by a descending ray had died instantly, becoming a blood fog, including the warriors in the Completion of the Earth Realm.

Inside the Tianyueguan Pass, countless evil masters were killed by the array in just 15 minutes. Their screams rose one after another.


The legend of Martial Arts of the Heaven Realm, from the Black Market, rushed out of a courtyard. He flew to the gate of the Tian Yue Gate like a black streak of light.

The legend was incredibly fast. Friction from speeding through the air caused flames to appear on his body, making the wind whistle.