The Chikong Secret Mansion

Duanmu Xingling looked as if she were 14 or 15. She had a slender figure with full breasts, a tiny waist, and exquisite features. Her large glittering eyes were framed by thick, upturned lashes. She seemed forever paused at a youthful age.

She held her hands behind her back, and her red lips turned upwards in a slight smile. She looked at him charmingly and said, "It's only been a month since I last saw you. How come I can sense a coldness in you?"

Duanmu Xingling possessed an icing cold physical quality that she was very sensitive to.

Although Zhang Ruochen had refined the Icing Meridians Pill, he had not yet completely absorbed the icing cold Qi into his Genuine Qi, and so Duanmu Xingling was able to sense it.

Zhang Ruochen did not answer. Instead, he looked at her closely and said, "Senior sister apprentice Duanmu, seems like you've made some improvements in your cultivation during the period when you left the School of the Martial Market."