The Devil Martial City

Being an elder brother wasn't easy, particularly when it came to giving welcoming gifts.

Zhang Ruochen smiled slightly. He took out the Wings of Wind and the Beast Bone Bow, giving them to Yao Qingtong and Zi Qian respectively.

Both The Wings of Wind and Beast Bone Bow were Yue Linchong's treasures.

Lu Han had killed Yue Linchong, and yet Zhang Ruochen was the one to loot these treasures from his corpse.

The Wings of Wind were worth 500 merit points, which equaled 500,000 silver coins; it was definitively a valuable treasure.

The Beast Bone Bow was made from the backbone of a Fourth-Class savage beast. This bow qualified as a sixth-level Genuine Martial Armament and was roughly equal in value to The Wings of Wind.

Since Zi Qian and Zhang Ruochen were close friends, she accepted the Beast Bone Bow without any formality.